Bonus Story – Kai and Degarr Meet


Hollbeck wasn’t stupid. He might have captured the Sword of Gabriel, but he knew couldn’t hold him. That was fortunate for me, since it led me to finding out about the Sword’s presence on Releks Isle.

It was unfortunate, however, for Callum and his men.

I pushed open the double doors with the flat of my palms. Callum hadn’t locked them. It was just one of the many mistakes he’d made tonight.

The doors parted, revealing the scene I’d expected to find. The Sword of Gabriel knelt on the floor with his hands bound behind him. His shirt was gone and his feet were bare, but his pants were still on. It looked like I’d gotten here just in time.

Callum turned to me with surprise written all over his face. He was still fully dressed, the loose tunics he favored hiding his bulk. He was a large vampire, but I knew that was mainly due to fat, not muscle.

“Lucifer’s Child,” Callum said. “You’re the first. I have to admit I wasn’t expecting that. You’re minor ranked, aren’t you?”

I raised my chin. “Ask your men what they think of my rank.”

He frowned, then padded to the doors and stared into the other room. He was silent for a moment.

“Did you really have to turn six of my men into dust?” he asked finally.

“They didn’t take me seriously either,” I replied.

He grunted, then turned back and assessed the captive. The captive remained kneeling on the floor, his grey eyes studying us as much as we were considering him.

“He’s not ready,” Callum said finally.

“Exactly. I want him raw,” I said.

“So passionate.” Callum assessed me with a look, his lips curving upwards. “Why haven’t you visited my establishment before?”     

“I couldn’t afford your prices.”

He laughed softly.

“And you didn’t have anyone like him,” I added.

He crossed his arms. 

“He is outside of my regular offerings,” he admitted. “I might have got caught up in bidding fever, but you can’t blame me. It’s not every night you get the chance to bid on the Sword of Gabriel, even though I don’t quite understand what all the fuss is about, just looking at him.”

“I’ve heard you favor the slender look,” I replied.

Callum nodded.

“Put that aside, and look at him from the perspective of your customers. Specifically, a Fallen.” I put my hand on his shoulder, and I felt him tremble. So far, his words, his tone, and his face had said he was unaffected by what I’d done in other room, but his reaction to my touch told me differently.

“He’s a big, powerfully built vampire,” I continued. “And consider the scars on his chest. He’s clearly strong as hell, and he can take a lot. More than a human, and more than a were. I’d say he can take almost as much as a Fallen.” I swept my thumb across Callum’s shoulder, and his body tensed. “A lot of Fallen like to play with their food, and the fragile little vampires you normally offer might be pretty, but they’re barely a snack.” I lifted my chin towards the captive. “This one’s a hell of a lot more than that.”

Callum’s lips twitched. “Shouldn’t you be trying to convince me he’s not worth much?”

I shook my head. “I doubt I could, given what you paid for him. And you should know this man’s worth. I might be the first one here, but I won’t be the last. That body of his, combined with his reputation as the Sword, means half the island will kill each other to get him. And they’ll kill you, and the rest of your men, if you try to rent him out.”

Callum gave me a hard stare; trying to determine if I was telling him the truth.

“I’m minor ranked, Callum, and I took out six of your men. What will a high ranked do to get to him?”

His gaze drifted towards the room filled with the dust of his lost men. He ran a hand over his mouth, while his heartrate skyrocketed.

“I can’t just waste the money I spent on him.”

I stroked his shoulder with my thumb. “There’s another option.”


“Give us what we want.” I lifted my chin towards the captive. “We don’t want him for just one night, and we don’t want to rent him. We want to own him.” Those last words came out half-growled; the desire that had been eating at me ever since I’d seen the Sword of Gabriel finally leaking into the world. My temperature shifted immediately, the heat shooting into my fingertips.

By the look in Callum’s eyes, he’d felt my reaction through the tunic on his shoulder. A mercenary light hit his eyes.

“What do you have in mind?” he asked.

“Let us buy him, take him home, and properly own him. When we’re done, or he becomes boring, we’ll sell him back to you. That’s the deal, and those are the rules. Everyone who wants to own him will get a turn,” I said.

Callum gave me a wicked little smile. “Sounds expensive.”

“It will be. There’s a premium price for such a premium experience.”

His smile spread. “You may have a head for this business. Have you ever considered it? Perhaps with the proper mentor?”

I responded with a small smile of my own.

“Maybe. But not now.” I let my eyes go back to the captive, and let out a sigh. “Now’s the time for other things.”

“I understand,” he replied warmly. “Now let’s talk payment. I’m willing to forgive the expenses involved with losing six of my men since you came up with this idea – ”

I cut him off, not with words, but the simplest of movements. I slid my hand from his shoulder to the base of his throat, letting my thumb rest in the little dip there.

Our eyes met.

His chest rose and fell with his breath, but other than that, he didn’t move. I could feel his pulse racing under my touch.

“Lucifer –”

“I won’t give you any money for this vampire, Callum,” I said softly. “My idea will save your life. Your business will prosper from the enormous profits that will come from selling him over and over at a premium. In return, you will tell everyone that I took out six of your men. You’ll give me as long as I like with him. And you will tell everyone that I paid you an obscene amount of cash for the privilege; so much so that you’re embarrassed to admit the amount. You will slyly, confidentially, admit that you’ll be willing to sell him to them under similar terms, for a much more reasonable price, as long as they sell him back to you when they’re done.”

I could see the emotions warring in his eyes, as much as I could hear his racing heart.

He was deciding whether he could kill me or not. If he did manage to kill me, there might be unforeseen costs involved. If he failed to kill me, he might lose rank, or money. And the business plan I’d just proposed might not fall as easily into place. He’d be stuck defending his life, his men, and the Sword of Gabriel again.

He was also trying to decide whether I would kill him to get the captive. Given I’d killed his men, and I didn’t have the money to pay him, that was highly likely.

Or, he could take the easy path, and do exactly what I was suggesting. He might take an initial hit financially – although I had a few ideas around that – but in the long run, he would profit.

It all came down to what was important to him.

“Deal,” he said finally.

“Good.” I smiled.

I let him go, and stepped back. His shoulders dropped, and relief rippled down his body.

The two of us turned, apparently of one mind as we both helped the captive to his feet.

“Where’s his shirt?” I asked.

Both of us looked around, until finally Callum let out a small grunt, and opened a small closet near the door.

“Here. It’s not his, but it should work.” Callum handed me a garment that was basically a long bolt of cloth with a hole in the middle for a person’s head.

I slipped it over the captive’s head; settling it over his shoulders so his chest and back were covered, but his sides left bare. It would work until I could arrange for more suitable clothing.

I could feel the captive’s eyes on me, assessing me as I worked, but he remained silent.

I turned back to Callum.

“Lead the way,” I said.

Callum pulled open the double doors, and his gaze swept the next room. There was a tightening around his mouth and eyes, before his expression smoothed and his chin lifted.

“I would offer you an armed escort to your household, but,” Callum said evenly, and casually shrugged.

“I’m not concerned,” I replied easily.

Callum poked a nearby pile of ash with his foot. “I liked this one.” He gave me a look.

“He died defending your wishes,” I replied, “and his death increased this one’s worth and reputation.” I nodded to the Sword. I had a light grip on his bicep, but that was for show more than anything. The captive hadn’t made a sound, or even attempted to struggle. That made me curious, but I didn’t have time to examine it right now. “You can find more men like that one, with the profit you’ll make.”

Callum eyed me. “It increases your reputation too.”


“King Solomon’s right to have his eye on you,” he replied.

I ignored that comment completely, and held out my free hand instead. “Key for the bindings?”

Callum’s eyes shifted from me to the large vampire by my side. His mouth worked for a few moments, and then he turned away, going to a small desk near the far wall. It wasn’t lost on me that he’d clearly kept the key in a separate room, or that he was more comfortable with the Sword being bound.

He put the key in my hand, and I stowed it safely in my pocket.

“Do you want a collar for him? It’ll be easier to walk him around that way,” Callum offered.

I glanced at the captive. He remained perfectly stoic. His heartrate was calm and even. He was giving nothing away about what he thought or felt about the conversation. I had no idea whether he was bothered, humiliated, upset, or angry. His control was incredible.

He was magnificent.

My cock stirred.

“No. Not yet.” My voice had a husky edge to it, full of promise.

Callum smiled knowingly. Something in my stomach twisted, and I shoved the feeling aside. I gained control over my voice, and returned it to a normal tone.

“Will you get the door?” I asked.

“Of course.” Callum’s voice was warm as he opened the front door. “I hope this isn’t the only deal we make, Lucifer’s Child. Something tells me working together could be quite lucrative.”

“I agree. In fact, I have a feeling there will be plenty of opportunities for profitable deals between us in the future,” I replied.

He smiled, then stood there and watched us leave, waiting until we reached the corner before closing his door.

We turned the corner, and the captive broke his silence.

“Where are you taking me?” he asked.

“My household,” I answered. “No more talking until we get there.”

“Why –”

I shoved him into the nearest wall. I got a good, firm hold on him and pressed my body against his, trapping him against the wall.

“If you value your life, you’ll stay silent until we’re alone in my rooms,” I whispered into his ear.

I didn’t ask for compliance. I didn’t ask if he understood. I simply waited.

His body tensed, even as his heartrate remained steady. That incredible control no doubt served him well, but it itched at me. I wanted to break through it, and I knew others would too. This man could be addictive to a lot of the Fallen.

He took in a breath, and my body tensed. If he was going to fight me about this, it would come in the next few moments.

Instead, he blew out the breath, and his body relaxed.

He was going to do as I’d asked.

“Good.” I yanked him away from the wall, and returned to guiding him back to my household.

He remained silent, but his eyes took in everything.

He had grey eyes. Beautiful eyes.

My thumb stroked his arm of its own accord, before I found my focus again and stopped it.

Fortunately we reached my household without any incidents. We received a lot of stares and whispers, and I had no doubt words and rumors were flying once we’d walked past, but no one attacked us or confronted us.

We reached my household safe and sound.

“I’m not to be disturbed,” I said, as soon as my servant, Teo, closed the door behind us.

Teo’s eyes went from me to the captive.

“Shit. That’s the Sword of Gabriel, isn’t it?”

“He’s a he, not an it,” I corrected automatically.

Teo ignored the comment, his gaze shooting to the door. “This door won’t hold.”

I laughed softly. “We’re not going to be overrun. I made a deal.”

Teo let out a high, squeaky noise. “What deal could you possibly have made? You’re minor ranked.”

I caught his gaze, and let a touch of cold darkness creep into my voice. “You’re forgetting yourself, Teo. A good servant would never say something like that in front of a stranger, even if he is a captive.”

“Shit.” Teo’s eyes dropped to the floor, his heart racing. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“I know you worked in the house of a low ranked before this, and I know you’re relatively new to being a servant, but there are things you need to learn if you’re going to work in this household. Do you want to stay here?”

“Yes, sir,” he said quietly.

“Then I’ll have to punish you,” I said. “Strip.”

Teo’s head shot up, his eyes wide, even as the Sword’s arm tensed under my grip.


“Sir?” Teo asked.

We both knew he didn’t like being naked in front of everyone. It’s why I’d chosen it. I also knew it would provide a good lesson for the Sword.

“Since you’re a servant, no one can touch you sexually without your permission. And since you’re working, you can’t give that permission right now. But you can strip completely naked, tell everyone not to disturb me, and let them ogle you while you do it.”

Teo swallowed, even as his pupils dilated.

I knew from past experience that he would find the experience humiliating. He wasn’t the type to strut around or flaunt his beauty. But every time I made him do this, he flushed a beautiful pink, and his cock remained hard the entire time.

“Or I can choose something else,” I offered. “Something painful.”

He licked his lips and stared at the floor. He wanted to say yes. He wanted to say no.

It was one of the reasons I liked him. Even when he fucked up, his reactions were delicious. I was giving him permission to do something he would never let himself do on his own – flaunt himself, soak in everyone’s appreciation of his beauty, while walking around openly and visibly aroused – all in the name of punishment. I did it randomly enough that he couldn’t count on it being a punishment, and he also knew that if he fucked up often enough he wouldn’t get to stay. It made him willing to learn and work hard, and fun to play with.

His fingers reached for his shirt, telling me his decision without a word. He stripped off his clothes, folding them neatly and stacking them near the wall. By the time he was done, he was sporting a semi. When he faced me again, I trailed my eyes slowly up his body, and his cock thickened under my gaze. His cheeks were pink by the time I reached his eyes.

“After you’ve talked to everyone, return to this door. Kneel in front of it, bow your head, and stay like that for half an hour. Then you can get dressed. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” Teo said breathlessly, then hurried away to talk with everyone.

The Sword snorted.

I shot him a look, then took his arm again, guiding him through the house and back to my bedroom without further interruption. I closed the door, and turned to find the captive standing in the middle of the room.

His lips were tipped upwards.

“You find my punishment amusing?” I asked.

He arched an eyebrow, and remained silent.

“You may speak in here,” I said. “We’re alone.”

“I find it amusing that after scaring the hell of out Callum, you chose a punishment for your servant that he would hate and love at the same time,” he replied.

“I choose my methods based on the person, and my goals,” I replied.

“Clearly.” His mouth curved into a half-grin.

It wasn’t attractive. At all.

“How do I fit into your goals?” he asked.

“Hmm,” I replied, the word turning into a low humming sound. I didn’t owe him that answer.

“What methods are you going to use with me?”

I didn’t answer that either.

“You were very quiet at Callum’s. Very cooperative. You’d make a good sub,” I told him.

His half-grin widened into a smile, and it left me momentarily breathless.

“You think you could dominate me?” he asked.

Heat rushed through me. God. His words, his tone, his confidence all meant one thing.

He was a dominant.

I liked being submissive, as much as I liked being dominant. On this island I had a lot of choices for both, but a dominant like the one in front of me was still special. My mind flooded with thoughts of sex, and blood, and play, and it took a moment for me to brush them aside.

“What’s your name?” I asked, pleased to find my tone was even. “Calling you the Sword of Gabriel is awkward, to say the least.”

He laughed softly. “Degarr. John Degarr. And yours? Or did your mother really name you Lucifer?”

It was my turn to laugh. “No. In my household, you can call me Kai. Outside of the house, call me Lucifer’s Child.”

He cocked his head. “That distinction’s important, I take it? What happens in a household versus outside of it?”

“Very,” I agreed. “Now turn around.”

He did as I asked, without a word. His body tensed, though, giving me the smallest sign that for all of his confident words and manner, he was still unsure of me.

He was still wearing the ridiculous garment from Callum’s. I could see the appeal of it, however. He remained bound, with his arms secured behind him. His large biceps and forearms were exposed, along with his sides. And unlike a shirt, the design gave me full and easy access to all of his chest, or his back, as I desired, without bunching or tearing the cloth.

I wanted to slip my hand under the cloth, and then flip it out of the way. I wanted to trail my hands over his muscles, my fingers over his scars, and let my body temperature match his.

I wanted to hear him sharply inhale, watch the muscles of his stomach clench, as I made him writhe with pleasure and desire.

I wanted to hear him whisper my name in desperation.

Instead, I reached for his wrists, and his bindings. There was a small lock, and I was digging into my pocket for the key Callum had given me when there was a knock on the door.

“I said I wasn’t to be disturbed,” I called out.

“Not even by your King?”


I shoved the key I’d just found deeper into my pocket.

“Silence,” I whispered into Degarr’s ear.

I left him as he was, and went to open my bedroom door.

King Solomon stood in my hallway. He was wearing a simple white shirt, notched open at the throat, paired with black pants and black boots. His long, silver-and-white hair was swept back, with just a few strands escaping the binding to fall around his face.

He looked damn good. Then again, the man could make a potato sack look good.

I held open the door, and gestured towards my room. “Please, come inside, sire.”

His lips twitched as he walked past me.

I closed the door, and turned to find King Solomon and the Sword of Gabriel facing each other like they stood on the field of battle, instead of a bedroom.

“King Solomon, meet the Sword of Gabriel,” I said.

King Solomon glanced at me, before turning back to the vampire in front of him.

“I’m well aware of who he used to be,” King Solomon said. “I’m simply curious as to why he isn’t kneeling.”

“I told him to stay,” I lied, hurrying over to Degarr’s side. “I wanted us to properly greet you as a pair.”

I sank to one knee in front of my King, and bowed my head.

It took me a second or two to realize that Degarr hadn’t joined me.

Fucking hell.

I glanced up to find the man still proudly standing, something glittering in those grey eyes.




I shot to my feet, wrapped my hand around the nape of Degarr’s neck, and shoved him to his knees.

I gracefully followed, and bowed my head again.

“Forgive my captive, sire. He’s new to our world, and clearly lacks manners,” I said.

“Your heart’s racing, Kai,” King Solomon said softly.

“I killed six men to get this captive, sire. You can easily confirm that. I’m giving nothing away by letting you hear my heart racing and effectively admitting that I don’t want him killed for being stupid when he meets my King,” I said.

“Our King,” King Solomon corrected. “I’m your King, and I’m also the former Sword of Gabriel’s King now.”

His tone was smug. Then again, he had every right to be. One of his subjects had captured the Sword of Gabriel and brought him home.

I waited for the vampire by my side to open his mouth and say something stupid, maybe even something that could get him killed, but he stayed mercifully silent.

“You’re right,” I said softly. “You’re our King.” I hazarded a look up, to find Solomon smiling.

“You may rise, Kai,” he said.

I stood up, noting with gratitude that Degarr didn’t try to stand up too. I put a hand on his shoulder and immediately felt better.

“Thank you, King Solomon.”

“Of course.” Solomon gave the slightest incline of his head. Then his expression eased; his face relaxing now that the protocols were over. “One of your servants is kneeling by the door. What’s that about?”

I grunted. “He’s being punished.”


“It leaves him adorably flustered. I quite enjoy it.”

Solomon’s lips twitched. “I understand.”

His eyes dipped, and I followed his gaze. I found, to my surprise, that my hand had strayed from Degarr’s shoulder to his hair. My fingers were thickly plunged into the soft strands. It was startling, to say the least, and if Solomon hadn’t been standing there, I would have removed my hand instantly. As it was, I kept it there, to make the action seem deliberate.

Solomon’s gaze drifted back to me; an unreadable look in his eyes.

“You get attached quickly,” he noted.


“I spilled blood and scattered ash for him. If I didn’t value him, my actions would have been wasteful,” I countered.

“Some people kill for pleasure.”

“You know I don’t,” I said.

“Is revenge not a pleasure?” he asked.

I cocked my head. “I wouldn’t know, now would I?”

King Solomon’s lips twitched, and his eyes sparkled. “I’ve missed this.”


“It’s your choice to see me or stay away, not mine,” I said.

There was something in his eyes as he looked at me. A light. An unreadable emotion or thought. All I knew was that it left something deep within me restless with frustration.

He stayed silent, and I jerked my head away, averting my gaze before I could say something stupid and embarrass myself.

Solomon’s actions spoke louder than his idle words ever would.

I glanced down to find my fingers had curled into a tight grip, clutching Degarr’s hair as if I was about to fling his head into the sea. It looked painful, but he was still and silent.

Solomon noticed.

“Callum insisted he gave the captive to you raw.”

“He did. I wanted the Sword untouched,” I said.

“And yet he submits quietly to painful treatment by you, shortly after being disrespectful to me,” King Solomon said flatly.

“It’s a small pain,” I offered. “And he gains nothing by defying me.”

Solomon arched a brow. “What does he gain by defying me?”

“One last stand of open defiance, worthy of someone who served a King,” I replied.

Solomon grunted, glancing at the man kneeling before us. “I’m sure it won’t be his last act of defiance. He seems the type who will be hard to break. Quite the enjoyable challenge, I imagine.”

“I don’t want to break him. I simply want to enjoy him for a while,” I said.

“You could enjoy him without being the first.”


King Solomon raised his gaze, and met my eyes. “Would you give him to me?”

Shit fuck.

“Do you want him, sire?”

King Solomon cocked his head. “You pointed out his qualities to Callum. You said Fallen would want him. I’m a Fallen. So would you give him to me, knowing that means you wouldn’t be first?”

This was a test.

And if I failed, Degarr would pay the price.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

I did the only thing I could do. The only thing I could think of doing.

I took my hand out of Degarr’s hair, and wrapped my fingers around Solomon’s wrist instead. I knelt in front of my King, and guided his hand to my bare throat.

“I offer both of us to you, my King,” I said. “I am honored to make this gift of us.”

That something flickered in his eyes again, before it was overtaken by heat. Solomon’s hand closed around my neck, and his temperature swiftly matched mine.

His gaze swept over me.

For a moment, I thought he might actually say yes.

“Kai,” he said softly, his thumb stroking my skin.

My pulse, and my body, throbbed.

Then his hand fell away from me, and he tore his gaze from mine.

“Another time,” he said.

And he turned away, just like he had a thousand other times.

So predictable.

I ignored my hurt and anger, reminding myself that my gamble had played out according to plan, and focused on calming my racing heart.

King Solomon opened my door and paused, his gaze sweeping over me and Degarr once more. “Enjoy him, Kai.”

Then he left, closing the door behind him.

I put a hand over Degarr’s mouth, forcing him to stay quiet until long after King Solomon’s heartbeat had faded.

I needed that time, I needed that guaranteed silence, to collect myself.

Then I took my hand away and rose to my feet, feeling older than any man should.

I turned back to my captive.

His grey eyes stared at me.

“You offered us both to him, instead of just handing me over. Why?” Degarr asked.

“Because I knew if I included myself, he would turn it down.” I managed to keep the bitterness out of my voice, even as I gave him a crooked smile.

“He wanted you.”

I shook my head.

“I could see it,” the fucker insisted.

“Not enough.” I put a hand under his arm. “Stand up.”

Between the two of us, we got him to his feet. I took the key from my pocket and unlocked him. I threw the lock to the floor, followed by the bindings. He moved his arms back and forth, then rubbed them, trying to get the blood moving again, while I stepped away.

Eventually he dropped his arms and faced me. “You’re not afraid that I’ll escape?”

I snorted. “Good luck. We’re on an island. Where are you going to go? And in case you missed it, half the vampires here want to make you theirs. If you kill me, you’ll be bound and locked again before you know it.”

“What’s your plan for me? Your real plan. Or do you actually expect me to believe that you just want to be the first to enjoy me?” he asked.

My mouth quirked. “I do want you.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m just not going to force you,” I said.

“And your plan?”

“My plan’s more ambitious than all the little vampires out there who want to break you. I want to do something that’s never been done before,” I replied.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“I want to do the impossible. I want to get a vampire, a captive no less, and the Sword of Gabriel to boot, off this island. My plan, Degarr, is to help you escape.”

To my satisfaction, he looked as surprised as Callum had earlier tonight.